
Text is a basic typography component. It will be displayed as a span element by default with a default font family, font color, font size and letter spacing.

Text component is a basic for other typography components. We recommend using it when you need to display <span> element and still keep the proper typography styling.


import { Text } from '@contentful/f36-components';
import { Text } from '@contentful/f36-typography';


You can pass all basic font related parameters as properties of the component.

Changing the font size

To increase the font size of the text, you can pass the fontSize property. Notice, that by default Text component has no margins.

Changing the font color

To increase the font color of the text, you can pass the fontColor properties. You can use only colors allowed by Forma 36 color palette.

as property

To override the element that gets rendered, pass the as property.


Props (API reference)

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